

Katja Burzer
Anthony Haag
Udo Thönnissen

ETH Zurich

17.04.2024 - 17.06.2024
What can material supply chains of a post-fossil construction industry look like and what role can cultivated plants play in this?
These questions were explored by the studio Planting Buildings. Housing the Ecoregion, which was led by the Material Cultures group of architects at ETH Zurich in the autumn semester of 2023. Based on typical cultivated plants from various European ecoregions, housing systems were designed that move between conservation, cultivation and construction and can become part of the specific cultural landscape.
At the centre of this exhibition, curated by the ETH Material Hub, are eight 1:1 scale mock-ups that bring together the studio's basic research, material experiments and constructive studies.
At the same time as the vernissage of the exhibition, the new issue Pflanzenbaustoffe of the magazine werk, bauen + wohnen has been presented.

Image courtesy: ETH Material Hub