Zollinger Roof
FAAP São Paulo
FAAP São Paulo
The workshop is part of the first postgraduate program for architects in Brazil with a focus on timber construction. During 10 days, a temporary lamella construction was developed to serve as a place for exhibitions and teaching. It stands in the entrance area of the FAAP in the elegant district Higienopolis and mediates between the sculpture garden and the main building, which was built in 1956 by Auguste Perret.
The basic component of the lamella structure, also called Zollinger roof, is a lamella with the dimensions 200x20x4cm made of eucalyptus wood. The barrel-shaped structure consists of 270 lamellas, which were processed with a Hundegger joinery machine and by hand.
The load-bearing rhombic structure will be covered with wooden slats that protect the interior from the sun.
The basic component of the lamella structure, also called Zollinger roof, is a lamella with the dimensions 200x20x4cm made of eucalyptus wood. The barrel-shaped structure consists of 270 lamellas, which were processed with a Hundegger joinery machine and by hand.
The load-bearing rhombic structure will be covered with wooden slats that protect the interior from the sun.